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ВНИМАНИЕ!!! все посты содержащие ненормативную лексику будут удоляться без предупреждения!!!

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Модератор форума: Till  
edurnemepДата: Чт, 18-Июл-13, 04:15:42 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Гости

Infill development offers several benefits to communities:
By developing new buildings in the interior of urban areas, it reduces the expansion of commercial and industrial development away from the city center and into suburban and rural areas. http://turbo57.comuf.com Ultimately, infill development reduces costs by avoiding the need for increased infrastructure, support operations (fire stations, hospitals, police, city services, etc.) in the outlying areas.
Bringing new buildings in to replace empty lots or abandoned buildings raises land values, reduces or eliminates urban blight, http://superbuild.hostei.com increases tax revenue to local governments, brings new clientele to local businesses, expands the job base, reduces crime and promotes further expansion and growth from future businesses.
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